Product & Servic作說e
Operation Product
  • International View Multi-m師報etals Strategy 河火
  • Led by Two L窗媽isted Companies Supported by Ten 店機Industrial Groups 什可
  • Product通我ion-research System of Mining &湖你; Metallurgy and Survey 費匠Design
  • Dual Drives of 報拍Products Management a拍會nd Capital Operation 雨雨
  • Build Large Enterprise with I拿南nternational Competitiv服雜eness

    Through years of susta林亮inable development, Shaan門書xi Non-ferrous Grou自樹p has established its own predomin又刀ant industries provided with o年站utstanding main fields, co愛外re competitiveness and ind鐵土ependent intellectu些水al property rights, w銀微here molybdenum and titanium哥大 are leading industries, aluminium, plu舊機mbum, zinc and valuable metals are c銀友omparatively leading and silicon場女, vanadium and ni照器ckel are potentially lea畫愛ding industries. Ad低腦hering to the principle o志書f "giving play to the advant快男ages, highlighting th門時e primary business¡±訊森, we aim to elev近習ate large-scale economic 哥年level and lead to gr購書oup development by accelerating industr國紙ial structure adjustment, conformit生習y and congregation of capital, techn分腦ology and talents towar雜我d leading industry, promoting prod音海uctive specialization level a內鐘nd strengthening th來來e ten industries using all forces拍歌 to achieve leap鐘熱-forward development吃錯.

    Molybdenum Indust業女ry As Jinduicheng molybdenum indust務玩ry becomes a listed stock花地, the Group has resorted to its resou雜厭rce guarantee, used te門能chnological upgrade as a masterstrok司器e, focused on d行和eep process level el他為evation for both horizontal and ve術費rtical expansion and combining低麗 development of mining and metallu員業rgy, molybdenum chemistry and m見能olybdenum metals, whi關高ch ensures its core position in nation小得al molybdenum industry and helps bui路畫ld a world-level base for molybdenum 河道production and scientific researc章來h.
    Titanium Industry Bao Ti Group aims to北制 achieve a goal of Ten Billion Bao Ti,刀農 complete with all guarantee measu短說res focusing on c吧作apital operation through vertic動做al integration strategy to ex路舊tend its industri北懂al chains, allocate reas國路onably its resources, pioneer new cr來村eative industries, adjust product str風兵ucture, accelerate construction 銀線of independent innova頻那tion system, impleme房刀nt strategies driven by te請紙chnology, exert collective f票紅unctions of industrial group, take fi遠志rm hold of market share, strength內知en its leading position as道草 production and scientific r電現esearch base for titanium-b月討ased rare metal materials an得制d equipment manufacture人店, and exploit international market如熱 for leap-forward developme市紅nt.
    Aluminium Industry According to the thinking of dedica說兒tion to aluminium industry complete wit秒的h aluminum and pow水錯er in extended indus物問trial chain, Tongchuan aluminium裡通 industry accelerates optimizatio和藍n of industrial structure and schedule嗎坐 of deep process pr鐘東ojects, and expan計開ds production scale 用水to establish integrated productio通熱n system of aluminium, power and 知到carbon. Technology input is enh影個anced to foster technical progr和畫ess and gear processed pr新就oducts toward high-added-val黃短ue for more profit m科白argins and stronge家坐r and bigger enterprise.
    Plumbum and Zinc Indus筆低try Led by plumbum and zinc smelting, bas線了ed on plumbum and zinc mine場短s and focusing on construction of large妹少 industrial struc開飛ture of plumbum and z服討inc, Hanzhong Bayi Zinc Industry 都習Co. Ltd., Shaanxi Zinc Indus白歌try, Qiantongsh拿書an Mining Industry and Yinmus快日i Mining Industry have improved their 去快industrial chain of mining, sele舞廠ction and metallurgy usin房拿g complementary strengths, resources間計 sharing, mutual progress and co很司ordinated development. Mine manageme美市nt is enhanced to expan日鄉d mining areas; positively 的票take part in international market數都 operation using markets o錯化f futures and merchan窗是dise on hand to raise mag知有nitude of Shaanxi plumbum and zinc山少 industry in national field.
    Vanadium Industry On the basis of rich vanadium mine re信媽sources in the province and current文能ly the biggest min筆吧ing, selection and me校小tallurgy production syste嗎雪m for single vanadium production, Wuzh答有ou Mining will make good use of fairly大個 good quality of ores, conveni喝樹ence for mining and m家鄉ature pick-up te醫北chnology of refined vanadi路西um to accelerate construction an白微d resources consolid拿老ation, enlarge vanadium mine reserves, 光喝quicken industrial co家要nsolidation and exte就理nsion and become a new vanadiu朋內m production base with national c大站ompetitiveness.跳器
    Noble Metal
    Valuable Metals Industry According to requirem月對ents of constru歌近cting resource-saving enterprises, Sifa化輛ng Gold Mine and Shaanxi Silver Mines好人 will strengthen detail man廠也agement, emphasi視章ze elevation of min紙紙ing field management level, sti女機ck to exploration-mining co化近mbination and deep機火-peripheral exploration, increase r暗唱eserve and prep黑家are resources for sustainable develop我得ment of the mines.
    Silicon Material
    Silicon Industry Tianhong Silocn Material will ai黃照m to construct nation場船al large-scale production base for micr城師o-electronic gr明慢ade polysilicon material and P劇要V industry. Using internati站做onally top-ranking polysilicon tech資電nology and equip海你ment and based on advantage習你s of Shaanxi Non-f有新errous Group in technology, mana個銀gement and talents, it strives和吧 for extension to drive i能火ndustrial developmen畫海t of big size monocrystall北頻ine, silicon slice process,用紙 PV cells and its components and 和飛open up tight matching indu朋刀stries, so that si姐場licon material and PV will be好很come national top-ranking 讀對industry with advan術湖tageous brand.
    Nickel Industry According to fir來算st-class design and technolog司用y, Jianchaling Nickel Industry公資 is quick to bu用去ild new national product師時ion base for nickel術習 industry in conformity wit遠制h international managerial standards紅不.
    Other Products
    Geological Investigation Industry According to the thinking of i湖章ntegrated geology煙藍 and mining, mining enterprises線笑 cooperates with Northwest Geologic 冷中Survey Bureau un行理der the policy of theoretical sup科紙ervision, technological pr能房iority, exploration少謝 and results, periphery exp風銀ansion, cooperative 的是exploitation to base upon resources拍校 in the province but sc業他an and prospect nationwide and worldwi暗為de to expand reserve and control o會厭ver the resources in terms of its geolo內靜gic investigation advantag制店es to provide constan爸是t drives for long-term developme山拍nt.